How much does therapy cost in Ireland?

Holdingspace/ March 11, 2022/ Psychotherapy

Before this question is answered (and you will find the answer below), I would like to invite you to consider what is your reason for going to psychotherapy, and how important this reason is for you.

Psychotherapy is an investment in yourself. If you consider the time and money we spend  on Friday drinks, nights out, takeaways, and other little pleasures, it might help to put the cost of therapy into perspective.   

Now that we set the scene, let’s have a look at the actual cost of a therapy session.  

Generally, an average therapy session will cost between €50 – €90 and above. The cost depends on numerous factors that include:

  • The location – psychotherapy sessions in Dublin city centre might be more pricey than those based outside of the city. The cost of rent might affect the cost of your session. Sometimes doing therapy online will be more affordable, but that’s not always the case.
  • Therapist’s experience – this includes years of practice, or whether they are post or pre-accredited.
  • Education – what course the therapist took, how long they studied for, or what level diploma they have, any additional training courses they took – all these elements might (but don’t have to) impact the cost. 
  • Specialisation – sometimes therapists who have a very narrow specialisation might have a higher fee.
  • Therapist’s reputation – if a therapist is well established, well-known in certain circles, receives numerous requests or referrals from clients, they might have a long wait-list. This could impact the increase of the therapist’s fee. Some therapists might increase prices to decrease the number of clients they work with, which allows them to focus more energy on the clients they already have. 

Finally, there is such a thing as LOW COST therapy. Low cost therapy in Dublin is around €25 per session depending on location. Many psychotherapy centres provide this service, though they don’t always advertise it on their websites. Low cost therapy is a therapy that is provided by psychotherapy students who are completing their clinical placement. The reason it is “low cost” is because these therapists have less experience. On the other hand, their work is closely supervised – they work with personal supervisors, and group supervisors. They are often in their own personal therapy too. That means that they have a huge support around them as they develop their ability to supervise themselves.

Other details

  • You will most likely be asked to pay for therapy at the end of each session, however, some therapists might ask you to pay in advance. 
  • Your rate will be discussed with your therapist during your first session, but it is OK to ask the therapist what their rate is in advance of the first appointment,
  • If you struggle financially, you can ask if the therapist offers a reduced rate for people in your circumstances. Some therapists offer a limited number of hours at a reduced rate.

When considering investing in psychotherapy it is worth keeping in mind the reason why you want to try it and the overall value of therapy, not just the cost. 

If you’d like to find out how to find a good therapist in Ireland, check out this article with clear and simple tips.

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