Deeply Relaxing & Grounding Guided Meditation

Holdingspace/ March 11, 2022/ Yoga Therapy

Being grounded is an “idea” that often enters psychotherapy room. This is because being ungrounded is very natural – we all can become a little ungrounded sometimes. When it happens, we might feel restless, anxious, distracted and unable to focus, mentally cluttered and overwhelmed.

Everyone might experience the lack of gorunding in a slighty different way. For some it might feel like being hyperactive: rushing, over-talking, being constantly busy and unable to slow down. For others it could looks like being erratic, unfocused, distracted and forgetting things.

When we become aware of this state, we have the power to change it, and taking a grounding meditation practice is one of the ways to do it.

If you’re in need of some grounding and relaxation, try this practice to calm your body and mind.

This guided meditation is designed to help you come back to your body, settle your mind, relax, and let go.

If you enjoyed this video, check out the YouTube channel for more.

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