Yoga Classes

As a qualified yoga teacher and meditation, I currently offer private individual and group yoga and meditation sessions. You can find more information on each of these services below.

Individual Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Individual theraputic yoga sessions

Individual therapeutic yoga sessions look different for each person as each session is bespoke and created in collaboration with the client. We work towards your specific needs, issues or blocks.

During each session we:

  •  verbally explore the challenges that you’re facing and things you wish to work on (this can be physical, mental or emotional).
  • After the conversation, we move into physical yoga poses that are energetically linked to the challenges that you’re experiencing. For instance: we might work towads releasing tension and stagnan energy from specific parts of your body, we might focus on finding the feeling of groundness and connection, work towards finding strength and exploring physical boundries, or expriment with softness and flexibility.
  • I will design the physical practice and guided meditation to meet your goals. 
  • After the physical practice, we will explore your experience and allow space for integration.

Each session lasts 90 min.

To book your first private yoga sessions email me at

Group Yoga Classes

yoga for mental health classes

These classes are perfect for small groups of friends, for events, coaches and organisations.

These yoga classes are tailored specifically for the needs of your particular group. The classes can be relaxing and nourishing, or energising, interactive, and fun.

During these classes, we move our bodies, release stagnant energies, deepen self-awareness, and find inner peace. We work with our bodies and through our bodies to do our inner work.

I previously worked with clients such as ESB, Trinity College Dublin, Morgan McKinley, as well as with private groups and coaches.

If you’d like to know more about group yoga classes, contact me at