Healing with Cacao

Holdingspace/ August 30, 2021/ Cacao

Cacao ceremonies have been growing in popularity in recent years. There are many people out there selling ceremonial grade Cacao and offering events, rituals and ceremonies involving this sacred plant. “Traditional” healing ceremony is shamanic-like healing centered around Cacao, though you may find many mini versions and adaptations of this spiritual journey. 

What is ceremonial grade Cacao?

Ceremonial Cacao

“Ceremonial grade” cacao refers to Cacao that is 100% pure, raw and in its traditional form. 

Cacao pods are removed from the Cacao trees, the seeds are extracted, fermented and dried until they turn into small Cacao beans. These beans are then ground into paste which creates what we know as “ceremonial grade” Cacao. 

Products such as cacao powder, or chocolate are also made of Cacao trees, but they are more processed. For instance, cacao powder that’s available in most health shops and some supermarkets is often labeled with terms such as “raw” or “organic”, but it is actually highly processed, often in high temperatures, and separated from fat. Ceremonial grade Cacao is a fat first (it contains more fat than carbohydrates).  

Physical properties of Cacao

  • Cacao contains theobromine that stimulates our nervous system and increases blood flow which leads to the heart opening effects.
  • Another element that can be found in Cacao is anandamide (neurotransmitter known as bliss molecule) which, according to research, enhances mood, reduces fear and anxiety, and has a positive impact on the female reproductive cycle.
  • Cacao also contains phenylethylamine which triggers the release of dopamine and endorphins.
  • Cacao is high in antioxidants (40 x more antioxidants than blueberries).
  • She contains flavonoids that lower the blood pressure, improve blood flow, lower insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.
  • Potassium that’s in Cacao also lowers body’s inflammation.
  • Cacao is also high in iron, calcium, and magnesium. It really is a superfood!

Cacao as a spiritual guide

Cacao ceremony

Cacao is a plant spirit. It is believed (and some studies confirm that) that plants have consciousness. Many people and gurus in the yoga world align with this view that is also reflected in the phrase that “all is one”. We are all part of the same consciousness. Some plants are more “conscious” than others and they also vary in their properties and the way they affect us. 

Similarly to Ayahuasca or Psilocybin, Cacao is a plant medicine, though She does not lead to hallucinogenic effects. Just like lavender or lemon balm calm our nervous systems, Cacao opens our hearts and guides us on our spiritual journeys.

Cacao shows us that we are more than the bodies we live in. We are souls in the human form and we’re on this Earth for a reason. Cacao helps us connect to our hearts, gently opens them so we can feel our true nature, our being. When that happens and we drop from our heads, deeper into our hearts, we begin to gain more clairy and our thought patterns, negative self-beliefs and heavy energies begin to dissolve. We begin to let go, forgive, allow love in and heal our hearts.

Healing with Cacao

It’s recommended to begin your journey with Cacao by attending at least one ceremony. You will be held and guided as you journey with Her. Attending a ceremony will also give you ideas on how you can host your personal mini ceremonies yourself. You can purchase your own ceremonial grade Cacao and incorporate Her in your own rituals. You don’t have to hold a ceremony each time you drink Cacao, but make sure to set intention, express gratitude and sip Cacao mindfully. 

You can drink Cacao on a daily basis, if it feels right for you, and see what it feels like for you. You can also have  Cacao during ceremonies, or special rituals and incorporate other healing practices along with it, for instance: self-reiki, meditation or visualisation. 

If you’d like to begin your heart healing journey with Cacao, check out this page for the upcoming Cacao ceremonies and 1:1 sessions. 

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