Sacred Space: How to create an altar for spiritual practices

Holdingspace/ August 31, 2021/ Cacao

An altar serves as a visual point of focus for our spiritual practices such as meditation, any kind of energy work, setting intentions, repeating affirmations or journaling. An altar is a sacred space – a physical way to connect to the spiritual world. Creating an altar is therefore a spiritual activity too that’s best to carry out mindfully and with

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Healing with Cacao

Holdingspace/ August 30, 2021/ Cacao

Cacao ceremonies have been growing in popularity in recent years. There are many people out there selling ceremonial grade Cacao and offering events, rituals and ceremonies involving this sacred plant. “Traditional” healing ceremony is shamanic-like healing centered around Cacao, though you may find many mini versions and adaptations of this spiritual journey.  What is ceremonial grade Cacao? “Ceremonial grade” cacao

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