The Path To Healing Anxiety

Holdingspace/ October 13, 2023/ Psychotherapy/ 0 comments

Anxiety is a natural response of our bodies and minds to a threat. When we sense something dangerous or potentially stressful, we might begin feeling tense, and worried. Another word for anxiety is fear. It is a natural emotion that all human beings experience in response to danger. Its purpose is to protect us. However, if we feel anxious (fear)

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Top 3 Strategies For Coping With Loneliness

Holdingspace/ July 17, 2023/ Psychotherapy/ 0 comments

Loneliness can be difficult to feel and navigate. People who find themselves feeling lonely and needing connection, often turn to the Internet, social media or ChatGPT for insights, tips and techniques. It is also common to come to psychotherapy in search of resolution to this feeling. When we find ourselves feeling lonely, the way to heal our heart is to

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What Happens When You Suppress Your Emotions

Holdingspace/ February 21, 2023/ Emotional Healing, Psychotherapy

When you suppress your emotions, you make a conscious decision to push those feelings down. You try not to feel them, and keep them hidden instead of processing and expressing them. The challenge is that suppressing our emotions can have both short-term and long-term effects on your mental and physical health.  Short-term effects of suppressing emotions may include: Overtime, this

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What is body psychotherapy?

Holdingspace/ February 20, 2023/ Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy

There are numerous approaches to psychotherapy, from cognitive and behavioural, to those focused on the unconscious mind, or early childhood. The first psychotherapeutic approach ever created was psychoanalysis, and body psychotherapy grew out of that. It has been a part of a wider psychotherapeutic field from the very beginning of talk therapy, however, as it was not fully aligned with

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A Simple Guide to Depression

Holdingspace/ November 19, 2022/ Psychotherapy

Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is what we call a set of symptoms that occur together and last for an extended amount of time. In medical circles depression is considered to be a mental health illness though there are no lab tests that one can take to confirm the diagnosis. Depression is said to  impact a person’s brain and

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Long-term vs short-term therapy – what’s best for me?

Holdingspace/ March 13, 2022/ Psychotherapy

All types of therapy work in a similar way – they are based on creating a safe, warm, holding relationship with your therapist. It is through this relationship that you can begin working through your challenges, and issues. Therapy creates an opportunity for you to try out new ways of being in a relationship, and in the world. It gives

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How much does therapy cost in Ireland?

Holdingspace/ March 11, 2022/ Psychotherapy

Before this question is answered (and you will find the answer below), I would like to invite you to consider what is your reason for going to psychotherapy, and how important this reason is for you. Psychotherapy is an investment in yourself. If you consider the time and money we spend  on Friday drinks, nights out, takeaways, and other little

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Crying is Therapeutic – 6 Benefits of Crying

Holdingspace/ February 7, 2022/ Emotional Healing

Crying is a natural function of our bodies. We all cry sometimes, for instance when we feel sad, when we’re grieving, when we feel moved, or frustrated. Some people cry more than others, and it is also believed by some that not crying at all can be dangerous to our health.  On a physical level, humans can produce tears for

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How to do Inner Child work

Holdingspace/ November 22, 2021/ Emotional Healing

We all have an Inner Child inside of us. It is that part of us that has always been within us: from the moment of our conception, through our time in our mother’s womb, through birth, childhood and the developing years. Our Inner Child has always been there: when we were an infant, a toddler, young child, during our school

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