
Holding Space was created by Joanna Langier and it offers individual in-person and online counselling and psychotherapy sessions. It also offers a liabrary of free self-healing resources such as yoga, meditation, somatic exercises, and many others.

Services that are currently available include:

  • In-person counselling and psychotherapy (available in Dublin on Capel street, and in Laois at Glosna House),
  • Online counselling and psychotherapy (via Zoom),
  • Private individual somatic healing and relaxation sessions,
  • Private group yoga classes,
  • Self-development workshops, 
  • Online self-healing resources.

All services are available in person to clients in Dublin and Laois or can be delivered online to clients based in Ireland and abroad.

About Joanna, the creator of Holding Space

counseeling and therapy

Hello and welcome to this space,

My name is Joanna and I am a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist. I studied various approaches to psychotherapy  and I have an integrative and holistic approach to my practice. I am also a yoga and meditation teacher and practitioner, and I feel equally passionate about the world of science/research, and the world of spirituality.  


I completed a Higher Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy, followed by the MA in Psychotherapy at Dublin Business School, and level 9 course in CBT.

I spent several years researching the mind-body connection, and I wrote my MA thesis on body psychotherapy.

I am a fully accredited member of IAHIP


I have been working with clients since 2020 supporting those who experience: 

  • depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, 
  • low self-esteem and lack of motivation,
  • loss, grief, breakups,
  • issues with work and career,
  • family and relationship difficulties,
  • sexuality and LGBT-related issues.

I have also been working with clients who seek support with personal development, self-exploration or who simply need someone to talk to.

More about my approach to psychotherapy

counselling and psychotherapy in Dublin

My approach to psychotherapy is humanistic-integrative. The core of this approach is the relationship between the client and the therapist. The reason I have chosen to work in this way is because it is aligned with my values such as: connection, transparency, being non-judgmental, empathic and non-directive. While working in this way, the therapist doesn’t give advice – it’s the client who’s the expert and who already has the answers within. The therapist’s role is to facilitate the client’s process of self-healing and self-exploration.

Humanistic means seeing a person as a whole (holistic approach).

Integrative means that I can draw on a range of different therapeutic approaches and techniques, including: body/somatic psychotherapy, person-centered therapy, psychodynamic, attachment therapy, gestalt, existential and object relations theory.

If you’d like to work with me, drop me a message at jlangiertherapy@gmail.com 

More about my yoga and meditation path

I completed a Yoga Teacher Training course in 2017 and I’ve been teaching yoga and meditation ever since. Initially I worked as a corporate yoga teacher, and held classes in local gyms and studios, but I eventually transitioned into working with private groups and individuals. The types of yoga I teach include Hatha, and restorative yoga. The practice is focused on somatic experience, embodiment, and healing through movement.

I also completed level 1 and 2 training courses in Reiki, Seichim & Golden Dragon energy healing. When working individually with clients I use those skills only if requested by the client.  

If you have any questions that I didn’t answer, you can contact me at jlangiertherapy@gmail.com